Monday, October 4, 2021

October 2021


During the month of October 2021, the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus will all be visible in the south shortly after sunset. Venus is the brightest "star" near where the sun set. Jupiter and Saturn are the two bright stars in the southeast... of the two, Jupiter is brighter than Saturn. 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

May 2021

In the month of May 2021, the planets Venus, Mercury, and Mars will all be visible in the hour after sunset. Look to the western sky after the sun goes down!  Venus will be the brightest "star" you see, low to the horizon. Mercury will be dimmer, but above it. And Mars will be higher... and will appear next the Moon on May 15!


Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 2021

During the month of April 2021, you'll be able to see the planet Mars in the evening sky. Look high above the western horizon after sunset.

One thing that can make it tricky to find Mars is the fact that it will be near several bright stars. If you can find the three stars Orion's belt, make a line and follow those stars to the right. You'll bump into five stars in the shape of a "V"--that's the snout of Taurus the Bull!  Mars is the bright "star" to the right of the "V":

Monday, March 1, 2021

March 2021

During the month of March 2021, you'll be able to see the planet Mars in the evening sky. Look high above the western horizon after sunset.

One thing that can make it tricky to find Mars is the fact that it will be near several bright stars. If you can find the three stars Orion's belt, make a line and follow those stars to the right. You'll bump into five stars in the shape of a "V"--that's the snout of Taurus the Bull!  Mars is the bright "star" to the right of the "V":

Friday, January 1, 2021

January & February 2021

In January and February 2021, the planet Mars will be the only planet visible during the evening. To find it, face south after sunset, then look high up in the sky. The bright reddish-orange "star" you see there, that's Mars!: